Major selection procedure

1. Scope and Available Slots
  1. Scope: All departments except for the College of Education, College of Pharmacy, College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Medicine, and the Convergence Department (Department of Fine Arts and Department of Design).

  2. Available Slots: Within 50% of the enrollment quota for each department.

2. Assignment Period

For the 1st Semester: In June
For the 2nd Semester: In December

3. Application Method

Completion of the "Department Assignment Application" and submission through the university's online portal, Geosin-nuri.

4. Eligibility for Application and Department Selection
  1. Eligibility: Completion of at least two semesters and attainment of a total of 33 credits or more (Also applicable to students on leave of absence).

  2. Department Selection: Up to three preferences from 1st to 3rd choices.

  3. For applicants to the Department of Chemical Engineering, specific criteria must be met.

    Deparment(College) Eligibility Year of implementation
    Department of Chemical Enginnering Students who have completed the requirement of the "Basic Science of Nature Engineering" abiding by the Department of Chemical engineering’s General Education completion model for the year of admission From the new students in the school year of 2020
5. Department Assignment Method (Article 7 of the Major Assignment Guidelines)
  1. Assignment is made sequentially starting from the first-choice department.

  2. If the number of applicants for the first-choice department exceeds the available slots, assignment is based on academic performance. However, in case of a tie in academic performance, all applicants are assigned to the same first-choice department, regardless of Article 4.

  3. Students who exceed the available slots for their first-choice department assignment are assigned to departments with available slots starting from their second-choice department.

  4. In cases where students do not select a department or do not submit a Departmental Assignment Application form due to taking a leave of absence or other reasons, the Dean of the Self-directed Major Department assigns departments arbitrarily.

  5. Students who go on military leave after 3/4 of the second semester's class days but before the date of grade confirmation must submit the "Departmental Assignment Application Form [Attachment 1]" to the Dean of the Self-directed Major Department. Failure to submit will result in Article 7, Clause 4 being applied.

  6. Department assignment is conducted within 10 days from the date of grade confirmation for the second semester.

6. Other Matters
  1. Students whose affiliation has changed must obtain a new student ID card.

  2. Students whose affiliation has changed must fulfill the requirements for "Credits by Area of General Education" and "Graduation Requirements by Department" defined by the educational curriculum of the admitting department in the year of admission.