Introduction to IS

The Self-directed Major Department at Chungbuk National University will strive to cultivate global leaders through creative knowledge and challenging practices.

The Self-directed Major Department at Chungbuk National Univeristy was established to foster interdisciplinary talents through the realization of new undergraduate education tailored to the rapidly changing times. The department enables students to enhance their academic abilities with the purpose of entering to humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering curricula and to choose and design their majors and career paths. By cultivating capabilities to transcend boundaries and create and pioneer the future, the department supports students in becoming global leaders equipped with national, social, cultural and citizenship development. Currently, through a year-long exploration and learning process, students enter their chosen majors in their second year and grow as leaders in their respective academic fields.

Moreover, the education provided by Chungbuk National University's Self-directed Major Department is a process of students finding the meaning of self-directed learning and actualizing their own and societal changes. This is based on intimate guidance through lifelong mentorship between professors and students, diverse information sharing across various backgrounds and majors, and active communication among students.

The department strives to cultivate global leaders through creative knowledge and challenging practices, such as freedom in major selection and recognition of selected majors as primary majors. The Self-directed Major Department allows students to choose from all departments within the university, excluding those in the College of Education, College of Pharmacy, College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Medicine, and the Convergence Department, which are Department of Fine Arts and Department of Design.

Major Assignment

Since 2013, major assignments have been made to the School of Business (84 students), Department of Chemical Engineering (73 students), Department of Psychology (64 students), Department of Public Administration (54 students), Department of Software (48 students), and Department of Electronics (44 students). (total 42 departments, 560 students).